Friday, August 17, 2012


Hari Al Quds (Jerussalem) akan menghilangkan "kerak hitam" zionisme yang telah merusak nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Demikian pidato Presiden Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dalam peringatan Hari Al Quds yang diadakan di Teheran, Jum'at kemarin (17/8). Jutaan orang berpartisipasi dalam hari peringatan solidaritas terhadap rakyat Palestina ini di berbagai penjuru negeri Iran. Peringatan serupa juga diadakan di  berbagai
penjuru dunia lainnya.

Hari Al Quds dideklarasikan pertama kali oleh pemimpin spiritual Iran Ayatolah Khomeini tahun 1977, atau tidak lama setelah berhasilnya Revolusi Iran menumbangkan pemerintahan diktator Shah Pahlevi. Hal ini
menunjukkan betapa besar perhatian Iran terhadap rakyat Palestina serta status kota suci Jerussalem yang diduduki oleh Israel. Hari Al Quds diperingati setiap hari Jum'at terakhir bulan Ramadhan.

Berikut adalah berita tentang Hari Al Quds yang diadakan di Iran yang saya copaskan dari kantor berita Iran "Press TV", kemarin.


Quds Day will remove the Zionist black stain: Ahmadinejad

Today, countering the entity of Zionism and the fabricated Zionist regime safeguards rights of all human beings, defends human dignity and paves the way to save humankind from arrogance, poverty and misery.”
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the International Quds Day is the day of unity among all human beings to remove the Zionist “black stain” from the human society.

“Today, countering the entity of Zionism and the fabricated Zionist regime safeguards rights of all human beings, defends human dignity and paves the way to save humankind from arrogance, poverty and misery,”
Ahmadinejad said in an address at the International Quds Day on Friday.

Most Western hegemonic powers maintain a joint commitment to protect the entity of the Israeli regime, he added.

The Iranian chief executive stated that the Israeli regime is a tool in the hands of Zionists to control the Middle East region and the entire world.

Millions of enthusiastic Iranian people held massive rallies in Tehran and more than 550 cities and towns on the International Quds Day in support of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli regime. The participants carried placards and chanted slogans against the United States and Israel.

In 1979, Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, designated the last Friday of the lunar month of Ramadan as the International Quds Day, during which Muslims across the world hold rallies to show their solidarity with Palestinians.

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